Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our Profile

Our profile has only been shown twice since we were approved. The first time the birth mom chose a family who had been waiting longer and this last time that I had mentioned in our last blog wanted her child to have siblings, so the birth mom chose a family who already had a child. So we continue to wait on the Lord. We know who is in charge and He is worth the wait...every time!!
We of course are sad and often wish it would happen faster but we know, "To EVERYTHING there is a season, a time for EVERY PURPOSE
under heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
and so we wait for that season and that purpose.


Amy said...

Scott & Sarah-
I keep checking your blog for updates...thanks for keeping us posted so we can pray more intelligently. As you know, we waited a long time on the "delivery" end for our beautiful boy, not so long for the profiles. Rest assured, God DOES know what He's doing, and He DOES have a plan. Just think...right now, He is moving you and the child He has chosen for you inexorably closer to one another. Just keep walking. In His strength, you CAN do it!
Eric, Amy & Isaac

Lynn Cowell said...

Scott & Sarah,

What a terrific idea so you don't have to keep repeating the same thing over and over. Now that I know where you are in your process I will pray for you! Please put me on your list for updates when you make them.

Miss you!

Lynn Cowell

the swineharts said...

still praying for you guys! We miss you, and trips planned to NC.....would love to see you even if for one hour :-)