Saturday, November 22, 2008

Please continue to pray for us. We have a lot of really good days and we also have some really hard and sad days. We feel more excited than ever about adoption, knowing that we could love so deeply in a matter of moments a child not of our own. Our hope is that this “new/old” season of waiting would be short!

1 comment:

ScrapnJods0423 said...

Hi Scott and Sarah,
I read your blog as I found the link on Jeff and Heidi's blog (Brother and SIL to us.) We are a adoptive family of two angels hand picked by God. The process is a long, hard and emotional one. But as you know it is in Gods timing, not ours, as much as it hurts. Please know we will keep you in our prayers daily and if you ever need help, because boy we have been through it all please let us or Jeff and Heidi know. May God comfort you in this very hard time. I would also like to share this with you - as I used it many a night waiting for our angels.
Adopting an Angel...At the very moment a couple wants to have a child together, God creates a spirit and a soul for this special child and an angel is created. Sleep here amongst the stars. When its time I will wake you says God to the angel. And the angel falls asleep. Together the couple builds hopes and dreams and pray for a child...and God listens. Together, they discuss how they will love, raise, teach and disipline this child and all with Gods love, patience and understanding...and God smiles. Together, they dream of taking this child to museums, playgrounds, ball games, zoos and swimming lessons! Together they make a promise to cherish and adore this child in the same way God loves all His children. Together, they pick out a name, confident that one day, God will answer their prayers and bless them with a child. And when the timing is perfect. God gently whispers this chosen name in the ear of the sleeping angel and the angel awakens. You are my gift to them, the Lord says to the angel. Now go with wings and fly into their arms, close to their hearts and love them as I love you. And together, they hold this child and cry. For they know that all children belong to the Lord and that they have just adopted one of his angels. Author Unkown
I hope this gives you hope, peace and stronger faith that our Lord is hearing your prayers.
God Bless and feel free to contact us. John and Jodie Leedle