Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A little prayer request!

first of all thank you again for your extreme out pouring of support, love and encouragement through e-mails. i wish i could respond to every one of you, but there is not time. thank you for your thoughtful responses, we cherish every one!!!
wanted to ask for some prayer, we may have a slight possible glitch: turns out kaylee is 1/16th Cherokee Indian, which means they have to acknowledge this adoption. bethany christian services attorney is trying to get a fax from the tribe for the court saying kaylee is free and clear to be adopted.
it may push back the court date, they have to have an official letter from the tribe in order to do the termination court hearing. our social worker is pretty optimistic and thinks it will be fine, but of course this is adding nervousness!! our adoption agency has been awesome and will be pursuing this to get everything in order for the court date to go as planned.
on a side note the birth parents are also thankful for a quick court date and are hoping it happens on the 26th as well.
so please stand with us in prayer,we will let you know when this is all cleared up!!
scott, sarah and kaylee grace

1 comment:

Amy said...

Isaac is 1/16 Cherokee as well - and Bethany was able to take care of the paperwork, it ended up not being an issue for us. We'll keep praying that the court date goes through as planned! A.