Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hard Day...

We got some hard news today, our social worker called us and let us know that the birth mom is having some hard days with lots of emotion and some outside counsel and is reconsidering her decision. The birth mom has not yet signed the papers to get a court date.
So please pray, to be honest we are not sure how to pray, we want God's will to be done above all else, but we have a lot of feelings and emotions. We are scared and yet know God holds this all in His hand.


The Leedle's said...

We will continue to lift all involved up in prayer over these next days. I went back and found this exerpt from Amy and Eric's blog when they were enduring struggles with the birth father signing the release papers. I hope you find it helpful:

"The book When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol Kent was very encouraging to me as we dealt with infertility and loss several years ago. The irony here, of course, is that this is the name we chose to give to our son. In her book, Kent says:
"True heart sacrifices involve:

-identifying something precious to us (our Isaac)
-letting go of our control over the situation, event, or the person as an act of worship
-embracing God's love in the process of the release
resting in the outcome, even if in this lifetime we are not allowed to understand the reason behind the need for the sacrifice and the pain involved

Love- Heidi

Amy said...

Scott & Sarah-
First, we're praying for you and the child God has for you, whoever that may be.

Second, know that if you need to talk with someone who's been there, we're available. If you don't still have our contact info, Heidi or Jamie can give it to you.

It's so hard...but the outcome is SO worth it. Hang in there!

the swineharts said...

praying we love you