Monday, October 27, 2008

Our journey continues

THANK YOU THANK YOU thank you to ALL of you who have stood with us, cried with us, covered us with prayer, responded for us, took care of things for us, blessed us with kind words, thoughts, and actions...we are overwhelmed and humbled by the love of the body of Christ and by everyone is our lives. We have people praying in several different countries and all over America, wow that is awesome. We feel peace because of how prayed for we have been and how encouraged we have been by all of you!!
There is no new news to report. The social worker is trying to get a hold of the birth mom to hear how she is feeling now and has been unable to get in touch with her. Emilee is still in foster care with an amazing pastor's wife as the foster care mom. The birth father is still at a 10 for how sure he is of wanting to go through with the adoption, which we are encouraged by.
We stand assured that with all the prayers that are going forward God's good and perfect and pleasing will WILL BE DONE!
The things we are asking most for prayer for are: a quick decision and resolve to this, that the birth parents would make the best and right decision-we truly connected with the birth parents and care for them and understand this is a huge decision for them as well. We want what would be best for everyone involved.
Continue to pray for peace and strength for us as we wait in the balance.

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